彼ららの制服姿は、本当に魅力的んだ。バッジが飾られた白いブラウスと、青いセーラースカートの姿は、まさに青春そのものなんだ。 文化祭では姿を見かけると、心拍数があがるのは私だけ? 集会、見つめ合うJKたち 夜空に輝く月明かりの下、 here ちょ�
Young Female Wrestlers Dominate
The gym floor vibrated with energy as high school girls from all over the town/the district/various schools stepped onto the mats. This year, there's been a surge in participation from girls who are always tough. It's no longer just a sport for boys. These young athletes are proving that they have the grit/determination/courage it takes to compete